Six Benefits of Garlic for Men

Men’s health often gets lumped into two generic categories: sexual health and athletic performance. It goes without saying there are numerous other elements to keeping men healthy, and supporting men’s health from a foundational level is the solution for keeping all aspects of their health functioning properly.

Garlic is beneficial for everyone, not just men. Here, however, we’ll focus on what men can expect in terms of health benefits if you decide to increase your garlic consumption.

1. Supports Healthy Blood Pressure

Healthy blood pressure can be elusive to men, especially as they age. In fact, over 40 million men in the United States have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is defined by having blood pressure numbers at or above 130/80.

High blood pressure happens when a compound in our bodies called angiotensin II causes our blood vessels to constrict. Allicin may help prevent the production of angiotensin II, allowing our blood to flow more freely.

2. Heart Health

The leading cause of death in American men is heart disease, which means focusing on heart health is an important part of staying well. Maintaining healthy cholesterol numbers helps support heart health by preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart disease.

Cholesterol itself is a waxy substance that our bodies need to make new cells and carry out cellular processes, but the amount of cholesterol circulating in our blood matters.

few small studies have indicated that a combination of garlic and lemon juice positively impacts cholesterol numbers in patients already suffering from elevated cholesterol, but more research is needed to determine if this is a viable solution for supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

3. Immunity Booster

Garlic is packed with antioxidants that can help support a healthy immune system. Our body needs antioxidants to prevent oxidative stress brought on by free radicals both inside and outside our bodies.

Free radicals attack healthy molecules and damage the cells where they live. This damage is sometimes non-repairable, causing a decline in our immunity and aging us biologically faster than we age chronologically.

Antioxidants act like a shield, protecting our cells against oxidative stress.

4. Sexual Health

Because allicin has the effect of increasing blood flow, men who experience potency issues may find that increasing the garlic content of their diet positively impacts their sexual health and performance.

In addition, there is anecdotal evidence that garlic boosts libido and even makes you more attractive to your partner.

5. Physical Performance

As we age, physical stamina and performance begin to decline. This happens because of aging within our cells. The mitochondria in our cells power them to carry out their specific cellular functions.

As we age, mitochondrial function and integrity begins to decline, leaving our cells weaker. Cellular decline, or cellular degradation, causes us to lose our edge.

Although garlic can increase blood flow, which may give your muscles a boost before physical exertion, it doesn’t effectively treat an underlying cause of decreased stamina and performance — decreased mitochondrial efficiency.

6. Mental Health

Garlic is high in sulfur, a compound which is thought to trigger the release of an antioxidant called glutathione. Your body produces glutathione as a natural response to stress, to help calm you. It’s not known exactly how much garlic is needed to trigger the release of additional glutathione, because it’s been shown to be specific to each individual.


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